I make a lot of character sketches, moving on from one to the next without bothering to create a body or clothing, much less a context for that character to exist in. They’re more a technical exercise than anything else; developing speed and dexterity in my 3D sculpting software. But it occurred to me one morning that this actually does echo a branch of commercial photography — the actor’s head shot.
I’ve been sitting on this video for over a year, trying to record some kind of commentary track.
I’ve gone the instructional route, I’ve gone philosophical, tried to explain the creative process, tried to explain what drew me into this crazy world of digital sculpting in the first place.
Call me a perfectionist, but I didn’t like any of it. So I’m giving up. Posting it silent. See what I care.
Note: ZBrush has had a major new release or two since then, so this doesn’t demonstrate any of the new tools.