
Some years ago, a friend told me that no one but me could make me frus­trat­ed or angry.  “You make your own anger,” he said.  “You make your own hap­pi­ness.  And you con­trol the assem­bly lines.  So what is it you’d rather produce?”

“I’m a sad fac­to­ry.” I replied.

“You real­ly are,” he said.

I had the domain name reg­is­tered a few min­utes later.

…and now, it’s a cor­po­rate entity!

This site used to be a dump­ing ground for my var­i­ous writ­ings, art­work, music and videos that I’ve cre­at­ed over the years. That stuff’s still here, but I’m shift­ing focus towards devel­op­ing games and music cre­ation apps. Par­don our dust?