my first monome video

Expla­na­tion Pend­ing from GreaterThanZe­ro on Vimeo.

Able­ton Live pro­vides a some­what non-lin­ear, mod­u­lar approach to cre­at­ing music. It’s pop­u­lar amongst DJs in par­tic­u­lar, and pro­duc­ers of hip-hop, but it has some great tools for my work­flow as well.

Max/MSP/Jitter is a visu­al script­ing lan­guage which cre­ates and manip­u­lates audio and video. It’s tra­di­tion­al­ly been pop­u­lar in exper­i­men­tal avant garde cir­cles, but a new gen­er­a­tion of elec­tron­ic musi­cians have adopt­ed it, thanks in part to the monome.

The monome is a grid of but­tons that light up, allow­ing you to tan­gi­bly manip­u­late any idea that can be expressed in a two-dimen­sion­al grid over time. It’s min­i­mal­ist in design, and open-end­ed in func­tion. This makes it an ide­al inter­face for some­thing as open-end­ed as Max/MSP/Jitter, and in many cas­es, the ide­al instru­ment for musi­cians who work with sam­ples. This cre­ates a strange over­lap in the user base, which makes their com­mu­ni­ty a fun place to be.

Recent­ly, these worlds have merged fur­ther with the release of Max for Live, which allow Max/MSP/Jitter devel­op­ers to re-imag­ine what Able­ton Live can be used for, and build new inter­faces inside it.

I’m involved pret­ty heav­i­ly in the monome com­mu­ni­ty, most­ly help­ing peo­ple with Max for Live. I’ve cre­at­ed some tools of my own in it, and sev­er­al of those are at work in this video.

Tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sion of those will be found here. At least in the­o­ry. Thus far, it’s just me in there.

(This hap­pens a lot when I post some­thing too far out­side of the norm. Does silence con­vey rev­er­ence, or pity? I’ve left the world dumbfounded.)

2 Replies to “my first monome video”

  1. cheers bra

    have you ever tried FL Stu­dio? it is basi­cal­ly your monome but much more flex­i­ble in that you can short­en or expand the beat length. you can lay­er sounds more eas­i­ly than i have seen in any oth­er piece of soft­ware. you can cre­ate extreme­ly com­plex sound­struc­tures with very sim­ple sounds. the step edi­tor is a breeze and the piano bar opens up expo­nen­tial pos­si­bil­i­ties.

    i have been work­ing with that thing for over 10 years now and it keeps get­ting bet­ter with every release. now it is so good i dis­band­ed my trusty old LIVE. 

    see ya on hitrecord

    1. I do love fl-stu­dio, but I haven’t touched it in years. I own a license, though. And they keep giv­ing me new versions.

      When Microsoft announced that they were dis­con­tin­u­ing sup­port for OpenGL (in the then-upcom­ing Win­dows Vista), I freaked out and bought a Mac (and moved most of my pro­duc­tion work to Garage­Band, of all things). Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this was like a month or two before Apple made the jump to Intel, so it was­n’t so easy to revis­it my old programs. 

      (I need to upgrade)

      Any­way… I think you have it back­wards. I’m using the monome here as a step sequencer, which is indeed like a lim­it­ed ver­sion of fl-stu­dio. But, that’s very dif­fer­ent than fl-stu­dio being like the monome, because the monome is just an inter­face — it can run dif­fer­ent apps, and behave very dif­fer­ent­ly based on which apps you’re running.

      (I need to put up a “what the heck is this thing?” post)

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