Let’s play the Family Feud

  1. Name some­thing you use in the shower… 
  2. Name some­thing a foot­ball play­er wears under his uniform…
    out his welcome
  3. Name some­thing peo­ple hate to find on their windshield…
    tooth paste
  4. Name some­thing a man might buy before a date…
  5. What is anoth­er word for blemish…
  6. Some­thing you cook in the microwave…
  7. Name a piece of fur­ni­ture peo­ple need help moving…
  8. Name a rea­son a younger man might like an old­er woman…
    oedi­pal complex
  9. Name some­thing a dog does that embar­rass­es its owner…
    what the own­er per­ceives as embar­rass­ing is a reflec­tion of their own hangups; no dog is respon­si­ble for this.
  10. Name a kind of test you can­not study for…
  11. Name some­thing a boy scout gets a badge for…
  12. Name a phrase with the word “home” in it…
    home wrecker
  13. Name a sport where play­ers lose teeth…
  14. Name some­thing a teacher can do to ruin a stu­den­t’s day…
  15. What is a way you can tell if some­one has been crying…
    their eyes taste wrong
  16. Name a bird you would­n’t want to eat…
    car­ol spinney
  17. Name some­thing a per­son wears even if it has a hole in it…
    the ozone layer
  18. Name some­thing that gets small­er the more you use it…

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