Name something a football player wears under his uniform…
out his welcome
Name something people hate to find on their windshield…
tooth paste
Name something a man might buy before a date…
What is another word for blemish…
Something you cook in the microwave…
Name a piece of furniture people need help moving…
Name a reason a younger man might like an older woman…
oedipal complex
Name something a dog does that embarrasses its owner…
what the owner perceives as embarrassing is a reflection of their own hangups; no dog is responsible for this.
Name a kind of test you cannot study for…
Name something a boy scout gets a badge for…
Name a phrase with the word “home” in it…
home wrecker
Name a sport where players lose teeth…
Name something a teacher can do to ruin a student’s day…
What is a way you can tell if someone has been crying…
their eyes taste wrong
Name a bird you wouldn’t want to eat…
carol spinney
Name something a person wears even if it has a hole in it…
the ozone layer
Name something that gets smaller the more you use it…