the Change

I made this track as accom­pa­ni­ment for the bal­lad to end a friend’s stage show. It was, how­ev­er, decid­ed that her show should­n’t end on a bal­lad, so the song was scrapped.

Two years lat­er, this mix came about most­ly because, in export­ing the stems for a new col­lab­o­ra­tion, I real­ized that the drums were straight out of Garage­Band. One loop, no vari­a­tion. That won’t do. So, I glitched out the drums a bit, and they sound­ed pret­ty good now but did­n’t match the song at all any­more. Now they do.

Stems, you say? A new col­lab­o­ra­tion? That’d be here.

One-Hand Jam at LAX

Bore­dom at the air­port can be pret­ty oppres­sive, but, lo! A charg­ing station!

This isn’t a great video on any lev­el, but it is a proud moment.

I think it sounds a lot bet­ter after 0:50, but I could­n’t not include the moment that lead there.

this should help get new videos up

Throw­ing good sense to the wind, I’m replac­ing a per­fect­ly-good cam­corder with one that promis­es to out­put files in a more usable format.

I was sore­ly tempt­ed by this mod­el, a cam­era that shoots 1080p 3D and fits in my pock­et. Which seems a cus­tom fit for this, real­ly. But I think this one is ulti­mate­ly more prac­ti­cal for what I am actu­al­ly doing.

hello tv, goodbye life.

I bought a ridicu­lous tele­vi­sion a few months ago as part of our nation’s Black Fri­day cel­e­bra­tion, and frankly, it’s con­sumed my life. 

(Here’s a link to it on Ama­zon, in case you’re some­one who makes incred­i­bly destruc­tive impulse buys.)

I remem­ber being pro­duc­tive before that. I’d go home after work and write com­e­dy, pro­duce music, invent things… well, no more. I’ve watched movies, many sea­sons of tv, and while every minute of that was some­thing I want­ed to see, it’s a short­com­ing of my to-do list that this was ever a priority.

But even rec­og­niz­ing that this is wrong, I can’t slow down. In fact, I’ve just ordered a need­less acces­so­ry.

…I’m dumb.

arc painter

As we start brain­storm­ing new app inter­faces based around’s new arc con­troller, I want­ed a tool for sketch­ing out illus­tra­tions. Came up with this:

You're going to have to view in a Flash enabled browser to see this.

Again, this is not an arc emu­la­tor. It won’t send or receive OSC com­mands, let you pre­view ani­ma­tions, or inter­act with a vir­tu­al con­troller in any mean­ing­ful way. But it may still prove handy for visu­al­iz­ing and explain­ing some things.


  • Click­ing a col­or at bot­tom selects that col­or. If the “all” ring at bot­tom-right is enabled, all LEDs will change to that color.
  • Click­ing the “all” ring will enable or dis­able it.
  • Click­ing an LED up top will change it to the select­ed col­or (and dis­able the “all” ring)
  • Click­ing an LED up top, if it col­or already matched your selec­tion, will revert that LED to the col­or it was set to last before this.
  • When you’ve arranged things ade­quate­ly to illus­trate what you had in mind, take a screen­shot. Do what you need to in Pho­to­shop and attach the results to a forum post.

As this was a quick sketch itself, the source code isn’t all that excit­ing, but if you’ve got Flash CS4 handy and some time to kill, have at it.