regarding Velcro

I did not invent Vel­cro. But I do think it’s been sore­ly under­uti­lized in the realm of elec­tron­ic music, and I make a point to evan­ge­lize its use­ful­ness at every opportunity.

I have a music stand that I’ve cov­ered with indus­tri­al strength vel­cro. If you’ve been fol­low­ing my videos, you’ve seen it in at least two of them so far. The music stand faces away from me, and I reach over it to inter­act with things.

What this allows me to do is posi­tion a bunch of small elec­tron­ics such that I can use them with decent ergonom­ics, holds them down so they don’t slide away, and ensures that an audi­ence can see what I’m doing. 

Why is that last bit impor­tant? Well, it pret­ty much estab­lish­es whether or not I have any chance of con­nect­ing with the audi­ence. Rule of thumb: If I’m not mak­ing eye con­tact and you can’t see what I’m look­ing at, you’re not engaged. In fact, you’re prob­a­bly mak­ing plans to leave early.

Any­way… I put Vel­cro on stuff. And what­ev­er else I might achieve in life, I think that’s my lega­cy. Some­one is going to rock­et to star­dom on their own Vel­cro laden music stand, and I’ll be the one who con­vinced them to try it.

All of which leads us to this bit of non­sense, for which I apol­o­gize (while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly mak­ing no apologies).

Vel­cro!! from GreaterThanZe­ro on Vimeo.

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