simple animation test

This video’s a few years old. I was try­ing to doc­u­ment my meth­ods for sculpt­ing a char­ac­ter head in ZBrush.

The ani­ma­tion was pro­duced by just export­ing the work in progress at var­i­ous phas­es, and using the result­ing mesh­es as morph tar­gets in 3D stu­dio max.

The music is… well, it’s some­thing I should prob­a­bly fin­ish writ­ing some­day. But I only had a few sec­onds to fill, so there we are.

Every part of this is some­thing I’d do dif­fer­ent­ly today. The advance­ments in soft­ware have been crazy!

spontaneous human combustion variations

don’t try to tell me
this hap­pens to every guy
(sur­prise, i’m on fire)

* * *

i hope you don’t mind
that i’ve burst­ed into flame.
is burst­ed a word?

* * *

doused in gasoline
under mag­ni­fy­ing glass
liv­ing on the edge

* * *

cast off your shadow
shake off anonymity
spec­ta­cle of light

* * *

“gotcha,” i declare.
“here’s the last thing you’d expect”
but the joke’s on me.

* * *

death is permanent
from the ash­es, only ash
phoenix doesn’t rise

* * *

crispy burn­ing flesh
boil­ing blood, burnt cartilage
i’m what’s for dinner

* * *

sor­ry, everyone.
didn’t mean to spoil the mood.
momen­tary lapse.

* * *

i am flammable.
well, at least, i used to be.
now i’m just burnt out.