Aaron is either deconstructing himself or self-destructing. It’s not always easy to tell the difference.
you could do worse
Aaron found $7 parking across from the street from the Roxy and the Key Club. If you’re going to the GAS show, that’s probably your best bet.
Sloth love Chunk!
Aaron has decided that Sloth is his favorite deadly sin. You might have guessed Lust or Gluttony, but those make you get up.
I make a lot of character sketches, moving on from one to the next without bothering to create a body or clothing, much less a context for that character to exist in. They’re more a technical exercise than anything else; developing speed and dexterity in my 3D sculpting software. But it occurred to me one morning that this actually does echo a branch of commercial photography — the actor’s head shot.
Here’s a few:
Aaron is reluctantly moving forward. He still lives in the past, but only by ten minutes or so.