Self Portrait

I did­n’t look much like that image when I cre­at­ed it, but after shav­ing my head, it’s become some­thing of a self portrait.

It still does­n’t look any­thing like me, though.

…so just for fun, I adapt­ed it:

It’s a bit slop­py, but a fair likeness.

Take 4

This track is a bit unusu­al for me in that I’m actu­al­ly work­ing with record­ed audio instead of inter­pret­ed note information.

What the heck does that mean?

Well, nor­mal­ly there’s an added lay­er or two of abstrac­tion, let­ting me change wrong notes, adjust tim­ing, and gen­er­al­ly tweak every aspect of per­for­mance in post-pro­duc­tion. Here, I just had to play well.

I found the process cre­ative­ly lib­er­at­ing, but the end result feels a lit­tle raw to me.

Any­way, take a listen: