Professional Services

I am, for the moment, hard to get. That’s rare in this econ­o­my, and I feel very for­tu­nate that I’m still able to turn down work.

I do try to make time to help friends, how­ev­er. If you fall in that cat­e­go­ry, you know how to reach me.

For every­one else… I’ll hear you out, but I promise nothing.

4 Replies to “Professional Services”

  1. Evening my friend, 

    I watched Josh Spoons 30 days of Able­ton Live a while back and have since been try­ing to get a ver­sion of your PushCCs. I am will­ing to pay a fee if you can get it to work in Able­ton Live. I have a cracked ver­sion. Not sure if this mat­ters, but it is a lat­er ver­sion. Please just let me know. Like I said, I am will­ing to pay you. 


    1. I believe it works right now on Push, but not at all on Push 2. But there were some prob­lems with it play­ing nice along­side oth­er apps, I think, and my gen­er­al feel­ing at this point is that the app is more trou­ble than it’s worth.

  2. Hi! My name is Andrew, i am pas­sion­ate for elec­tron­ic music for sev­er­al years now. I am a musi­cian since I am 12 years old, tho, so it’s been 10 years now liv­ing with music in my heart. I was a gui­tarist but I got into elec­tron­ic music — now I want to real­ly use Push to a full poten­tial to impro­vise on it as I did pre­vi­ous­ly on gui­tar. What I want­ed to do is to cre­ate a midi device which basi­cal­ly quan­tizes notes in real time but with one addi­tion — so I be able to add my own “grooves” for it to quan­tize it to. I am writ­ing to you to ask you whether I can use your patch “Real-Time Midi Quan­tize 2.2” as a start­ing point of my work. And also if you can pro­vide some tips on how you’d do it It would be super­ap­pre­ci­at­ed! Any­way, cheers, and all the best, m8

    1. Sor­ry for reply­ing near­ly eight months late. This site isn’t great about send­ing me com­ment notifications.

      Any­way, I did make a ver­sion which takes its tim­ing from MIDI clips (as dragged in from Able­ton’s groove pool) but you have to jump through some weird hoops to actu­al­ly play through it, and the learn­ing curve was­n’t going to be fun for users. Also, this ver­sion felt like the tim­ing was a lit­tle off, and I was nev­er sat­is­fied with the mech­a­nisms I built to off­set that. So, for a vari­ety of rea­sons, I nev­er pub­lished it.

      How I would do it (how I actu­al­ly did it) is a bit crazy. I basi­cal­ly had to turn mon­i­tor­ing ON for that track (so MIDI comes in from your key­board instead of the midi clips), then start a clip play­ing. The device would then detect which clip was active, and copy its con­tents and para­me­ters into a cus­tom play­er inside of max, which the quan­tiz­er would then use for timing.

      (I am plan­ning revis­it the idea when Able­ton removes some of those fil­ters, but prob­a­bly not until then. When we can react to mul­ti-chan­nel MIDI, or route MIDI between tracks with­out los­ing sight of where it came from, this will be fair­ly sim­ple to build, and less ardu­ous to use and teach.)

      That said, if you have a bet­ter approach, go for it.
      That patch was most­ly writ­ten by John Bri­an Kir­by (aka Nonagon), so make sure to cred­it him.

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