Geektown Anthem

My friend Kurt launched a pod­cast, called Wel­come to Geek Town, in which he tries to demys­ti­fy all the back­ground info it feels like you need in order to enjoy just about any­thing these days. He asked me to write a theme song.

We agreed that it should­n’t be too eso­teric. No odd time sig­na­tures, no twelve tone rows, no climb­ing inside a piano to play the strings with my teeth.

Here’s what I came up with. It’s way too long:

If you’re look­ing for the dance remix by Zephyr, that’s over here:

Any­way… Go give Kurt’s show a lis­ten, and then hit him up with some ques­tions.

What’s On The Other Side?

Here’s that sec­ond album I men­tioned. We’re incred­i­bly proud of it.

Be sure to check out
the Kick­starter cam­paign which fund­ed it!